About us

The questions to which Sokrateque was the answer.

Sokrateque is an ambitious AI startup from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Our team is focused on helping professionals all over the world liberate themselves from dull, routine knowledge tasks so they can leverage their intelligence and creativity to solve bigger problems, faster.

It started in 2017, with a simple use case. One of us worked as a leadership communication adviser for the founder of one of the world’s largest automotive component suppliers, who asked a simple question.

"Can you do a study to understand which forces drive the adoption of Electric Vehicles globally, and by when we will see an inflection point in sales?"

The small research team needed about 5 weeks to collect the necessary data and had only 1 week left to do the analysis before the deadline.

After successfully delivering the presentation, we asked the question:

"Can’t we use technology to flip this around for future projects, so that we spend one week gathering data and 5 weeks adding the real value doing the analysis?"

These two questions brought Sokrateque into existence, leading to the tool you can now use.

Which naturally leads us to wonder:

What questions will you ask with Sokrateque?

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