Sokrateque vs ChatGPT

Learn why people switch to Sokrateque for research.

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What you get with Sokrateque
Better research, faster.
Get precise, verifiable answers quickly, and extract themes and arguments from documents with a click.
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More thorough, less effort.
Integrate internal and external data and easily open previous research sessions to continue your work.
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Sharper, insightful and more creative.
Use follow-up questions to explore topics further and do sentiment and rhetorical analysis to enhance creativity and insightfulness.
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Boost teamwork and collaboration.

Bring colleagues into your research sessions, share sources and work together on publishing findings with our Google Docs integration.
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Help your company make better decisions.

Summarise answers and research sessions into concise reports for well-rounded decision-making
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Learn more than ever, in a fraction of time
Ask the web questions

Type your question, and Sokrateque searches the web to find and provide the most relevant answers.

Summarise and extract themes
Sokrateque quickly reads through documents, notes and websites and provides concise summaries or a list of key topics.
Track reading time saved
See how much time you have saved by using Sokrateque’s features instead of reading everything yourself. a
Organise and retrieve documents easily
Sokrateque helps you store your sources effortlessly with a wellorganized file system.
No training required
Sokrateque is easy to use, so you can start benefiting right away without training.
Capture more attention
Video improves response rates. Intercom increased their email reply rates by 19% after including video messages in their sales outreach.
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Capture more attention
Video improves response rates. Intercom increased their email reply rates by 19% after including video messages in their sales outreach.
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Scale and personalize

outreach with Loom AI

Flawless messaging Automatically remove "ums", "ahs", and silent pauses-no need to re-record, thanks to Loom AI

Flawless messaging Automatically remove "ums", "ahs", and silent pauses-no need to re-record, thanks to Loom AI

Flawless messaging Automatically remove "ums", "ahs", and silent pauses-no need to re-record, thanks to Loom AI

Start 14-day free trial

More powerful multi-step automations

Our conditional wait and dynamic routing modules give you the ability to create more advanced branching and action-based flows. 

With ActiveCampaign, you get more control over how your automated campaigns go out, who they go to, and how they respond to your customers’ actions.
Easy collaboration
Sokrateque offers reporting, work tracking, and team communication all in one place, so it’s easy to coordinate cross-team work in context.
270+ integrations
Sokrateque is a scalable platform with unlimited monthly rules and actions to meet any business need through our unique data model, 270+ integrations, and robust APIs.
Sokrateque offers multiple views to suit your work needs: list view for organizing tasks, calendar view to see upcoming work, timeline to see how all the pieces fit together and keep work on track, and boards/Kanban view to easily see important tasks.
Goals and reporting
Only Sokrateque gives you real-time visibility and lets you connect company goals to the work that powers them.
Better data security
Sokrateque offers various options for managing permissions on the team, project, task, and custom field levels to ensure privacy and security.
Differentiated value
Better research, faster.
Sokrateque provides faster, more accurate research results with context and source verification.
Ask the web questions
Summarise and extract themes from documents
Track reading time saved
Organise and retrieve documents easily
No training required
More thorough, less effort.
Sokrateque’s ability to offer verifiable answers and context makes your research more thorough and reliable.
Verifiable answers with links to original sources
View answers in context
Track the number of documents reviewed
Combines trusted personal documents with web resources for comprehensive insights
The ‘History’ feature facilitates revisiting and continuing research
Sharper, insightful and more creative.
Sokrateque enhances creativity and insightfulness through advanced document analysis and rhetorical evaluation, which chatbots are not equipped to handle.
Generate your own multiple choice and open question exams with answer sheets from any pdf
Get short, focused answers without the fluff
Click follow-up questions to delve deeper into a topic
Analyses documents for arguments
Sentiment and rhetorical analysis
Boost teamwork and collaboration.
Sokrateque facilitates collaborative research sessions, seamless sharing of findings, and Google Docs integration, transforming research into a collaborative and efficient process.
Collaborative research sessions
Easily share research results, source documents, and folders
Publish with shared Google Docs
Effortlessly compare different answers, reducing the risk of misinformation
Make better decisions.
Sokrateque empowers informed decision-making by summarizing research, providing a platform for comparing answers, and building a personalized knowledge vault with downloadable sources.
Download key sources to build a personal knowledge vault
Group and summarise multiple answers to form a well-rounded view
Automatically summarise research sessions into a concise report

Questions & answers.

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For what purpose does the Sokrateque app requests my user data?
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The payment didn't go through. What are my options?
How does student verification work?
Can I get a student discount when studying abroad?
What if I have more questions?